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Chair positions

Besides executive and director positions, BAP also offers other types of leadership positions such as chair positions and family coordinators which help manage our organization internally.

Recruitment Chairs

Recruitment chairs help with the rush season.

Service Chairs 

Service Chairs plan and assist events with VP Philanthropy to promote giving back to the community amongst the members. 


Alyson Lanski


Katelyn Ulrich

Sports and Wellness Chairs

Sports and Wellness Chairs help strengthen bonds within the chapter by promoting physical activity and creating mental health awareness events. 


Chris Mavridis


Abbie Long


Victoria Chin

Media and Design Chairs

Media Chairs implement social media marketing strategies to showcase our organization on various platforms, both internally and externally. 


Caleb Leverton


Oula Pattie

Cultural Chair

Cultural Chair promotes and ensures a welcoming and inclusive culture within the BAP family.


Hannah Hull

National chapter relations chair

The National Chapter Relation Chair leads initiatives to strengthen ties between our Chapter and the National BAP chapter. 

Minjun Kim Headshot - Minjun Kim.JPG

Minjun Kim

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